Starbucks is my best friend!!! Can t live without it! ...《看全文》
超久沒寫日記了 我發覺我很喜歡 短髮 hahahahaha 因為超容易整理的啊 我承認我是個 lazy girl 每次早上起床 都很怕遲到 現在超方便 yeah 我愛 short hair 但我 ...《看全文》
2008/02/18 一個很大的改變 一個很多很多年來 一直沒勇氣做的改變 希望這個改變可以為我帶來新的氣象… 我把及腰的長髮剪掉了 不是因為悲傷的事情 才讓我把髮絲剪短 一個感覺 一個衝動…事情就發生了 我這次的髮型師是Sand ...《看全文》
what I hope for in tha near future yesterday I felt a moment of happiness come over me. it felt great. I want that to c ...《看全文》
PIC-- Owen *sigh* everythin in my life seemz to be fallin apart. and tha worst part of it is i can see it, but ...《看全文》
I don't love him anymore.... do I ? maybe or maybe not All things about him has no relationship to me ...《看全文》