Raining day it is Your day it is See you sitting at window looking down on the street Your smile Thinking you it ...《看全文》
多年後,才終於懂______________ 我總是無理的任性 句句傷人又傷心 原本話少的你更是無聲 我總是哭著對你說 童話裡的幸福快樂都是騙人的 我不可能會遇到所謂的王子 有一天你放這首歌哼著唱 我願變成童話裡 你愛的那個天 ...《看全文》
每次的結束,是難過。直到再次想到你,會崩潰。 ...《看全文》
[Baby...] I can t remember been called by how many of you... Lastly, nonetheless, hopefully, it is you only once more time. ...《看全文》
It shall always be a reminder, we are who we are, not time can change, not one can change. As Shakespeare once said, Such stuff as ...《看全文》
一段感情的結束,卻是回想到每段感情的結束。 一樣的問題、一樣的錯誤、ㄧ樣的心痛、一樣。 ...《看全文》