開學也一個月了. 卻總被那些人那些數字擾的昏亂.心不在焉 每週北中奔波..竟也生起背棄怡行的念頭. 星期二,在乎的只是趕不及回來上課. 數字.她的眼睛.笑聲..都不在心上. 再一次..像記憶短缺.只殘餘記著轉車間的焦躁. 我甚至回想不 ...《看全文》
【Keep Believing in Yoruself... and Always Remember That I Believe in You, Too Ever goal that has ever been reached began ...《看全文》
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.♪——Oscar Wilde