If this is your goal at Yahoo Match, your prime target should be teenagers, who usually have the most time to spend on making pen pals.
Alternatively, people in their 20 s may also have time to spend on making pen pals if they don t know what to do in their lives.
The last choice would be people in their 30 s. Some of them might still have time to spend on making pen pals if they still don t know what is the mission of their lives.
But you should never expect people over the age of 40 be your target. Those people do not have much time left in their lives, and they need to spend their precious time on something much more important.
For us living in the Silicon Valley, "pen pal" was a term only existed in the past century.
** The opinion above is solely based on Agent X s years of life experience. It does not, however, allude to any individual(s) in any way.