If 民進黨 (aka 命盡黨) wins the presidential election this time, a war with China within the next few years is likely.
And everyone already knows which sid ... ...
*** This profile is always open and open to everyone. ***
I don't reside in San Francisco.
It's just a city closest on the choice list.
You will find my exact location below.
Unable to leave me a message?
You will find my direct contact information below.
From the Agency I was raised, they didn't give me a name.
They only assigned me a code.
Mine was 47.
ABOUT 好友名單:
好友名單 provides a link to your profile.
Therefore, if you wish to keep in touch, please make sure your name is in my 好友名單.
(因此, 如果妳想保持聯繫, 請務必加我為好友.)
ABOUT 留言板:
留言 are selectively replied.
No need to explain why.
No photo (無照片)
Not single (非單身)
Not mature (不成熟)
Not sincere (不真誠)
Not available (有男友)
Nonsense chat (瞎扯聊天)
Unreasonable age (不合理年齡)
Undisclosed marital status (感情:保密)
Unwilling to meet in person (不見網友)
金錢奴隸 (拜金)
抽煙:煙癮很大 (妳可以去醫院, 但是不要把我一起帶去)
飲酒:藉酒澆愁 (愁會更愁)
希望交往關係:單純筆友 (這只適合時間非常多的小朋友)
興趣愛好:發呆睡覺, 吃喝玩樂 (我女兒毛毛也會做這些事, 而且還會更多)
Please don't waste both your and my precious time. (請勿浪費妳我寶貴時間.)
Please realize the fact that I am somehow old, therefore time is too little for me to be wasted.
(請妳諒解我已不再年輕, 所剩時間少到不容浪費.)
Continue only if you are NOT one of the above. (如果妳屬以上之一, 請就此停住, 勿再繼續往下看.)
You have passed the preliminary screening.
However, proceed at your own risk.
In fact, your life is full of risks, isn't it?
I suggest you consider 愛情公寓 a good place to learn how to minimize your risk.
1: May 2010.
2: my adopted daughter (deceased).
3: my adopted daughter: 毛毛 (deceased).
4: my adopted son (deceased).
5: September 2014.
Single and available.
Reside in the Silicon Valley in California.
30+ years in California.
Tech savvy.
Very independent.
Very selective.
Very healthy.
Love animals.
Love Hollywood movies.
Love Walt Disney films.
Love Broadway musicals.
Love classical music.
Love symphonies, orchestras and choruses.
Love violins, violas, cellos, harps, pianos, 古箏, 琵琶, and 二胡.
A servant -- How may I serve you today?
An investor -- investing in the human future.
A salesman -- selling ideas.
An environmentalist -- taking actions now before it's too late.
A psychological counselor -- saving lost souls.
A marriage/family counselor -- promoting healthy marriage and family.
A philanthropist -- giving back to the community.
Visit Taiwan 2-3 times a year.
Stay in Taiwan 3-4 months a year.
Skype me: agent [dot] liu. You must clearly identify yourself when making contact request.
iMessage/FaceTime/Email me: agent [dot] liu [at] icloud [dot] com. You must clearly identify yourself, or the message will be regarded as spam.
* I rarely use IM (instant messaging). It's a waste of time. Voice communication is much more efficient and effective.
* I only use VoIP. Skype and FaceTime are among the best in voice quality and popularity.
* I don't reject the idea of one-night stand. But please be sure you can resist not to ask for another night.
** Descriptions are for reference only. Actual individual may vary.
Legally single and morally available.
Physically attractive.
Quality; quality; quality.
Love animals.
Like Hollywood movies.
Like my (canine) daughter.
Be able to read some English.
Love to play with me.
Love to share your life with me.
* Under 45 is considered only if you are mature enough.
* Over 59 is considered only if you look young enough.
** Requirements are for reference only. It's true love that actually matters.