Dear all:
I am not wealth but health life not luxury but full of happy not have friends but full of honest
我不富有但身體健康生活不奢侈但充滿幸福 朋友不多但都真誠 期盼你是我真誠的朋友之ㄧ
friend send me a file the title is take the time
take time to love it is the secret of eternal youth! 追尋真愛因為它是保持年輕的泉源
take time to laugh it is the music of the heart放聲歡笑因為它是心靈的樂章
take time to read it is the source of knowledge
take time to hear it is the power of intelligence
take time to dream it is the breath of happiness
take time to think it is the key of success
多沉思 思考為成功之鑰
take itme to play it is the freshness of childhood 多嬉戲可重回童泯之心
take time to live because time passes quickly and never returns!好好生活時間易逝且無法挽回
so let us take time make our life full of peace,full of happy, life is color not black