Most beautiful melody in the world .It alway moved[感動] me deeply.. Close eye you can feel the snowflake falling prairie in the winter.. Siberia forest cold wind turned the leaves red..r.Don snow melted away in the spring..Lover hugging tight to tear...Oooh I like this piece very much....
P.S: 如果妳有時間的話.可以由 you tube裡打[乘著歌聲的翅膀]找到台北市成功國小合唱團的表演..有play307的評論.再由play307進入.有30餘篇音樂的中英文評論....大約都是一年前的.....
如[女人花].Gone with the wind[亂世佳人].Fiddler on the roof[屋頂上的提琴手].The sound of music[真善美] .The student prince.[學生王子]. My fair lady[窈窕淑女] 等電影主題曲的評論.也有古典音樂如德布西的鋼琴前奏曲The girl with the flaxen hair [棕髮女郎].Moon light[月光].貝多芬的第9號[合唱交響曲]等等..