Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed
I am fun loving, outgoing and very affectionate.i believe in honesty trust and communication.i am also responsible yet spontaneous.i am easy going and kinds.i have wide array of interests mostly anything outdoors.i am more into family and home life.i enjoy doing the family things first but enjoy a nice dinner and a evening out as well.i am looking for that special one who makes me feel how much greater life is when they are in it.i am looking for someone who is loving, understanding and open minded.she should be easy going, down to earth and who knows how to communicate and meet people. ..
因家父留日娶日人牧氏為妻 生長在日式家庭 家教嚴謹 喪偶 育有一女現就讀廣播電視系 獨立活撥 家母93歲 體健 大哥 日商退休 大姐國稅局屆齡退休 大妹任教職 小妹旅居加拿大 兄弟姐妹感情融洽 生理年齡比實際年齡差十歲 事親至孝 熱愛工作 有個性 沒脾氣 有智慧 有愛心 陽光氣質男 幽默風趣 浪漫 喜擁抱 有混血的熱情 善良 熱心 八面玲瓏 超喜歡小孩(有小孩緣)與寵物
對象隨緣 但談吐 外貌 應對各方面 須有一定的程度 有層次較高的交際應酬〈本人曾是社團高階人員〉也有高官場合 能與人互動 出外像貴婦 在家是賢婦 床上要像蕩婦 會撒嬌 會小鳥依人般陪著看電視 個性好 愛乾淨 不嘮叨 溫柔體貼 有愛心 會關心家人 能與家人互動 孝順雙方父母 不管是朋友或伴侶 能找到我 能認識我真好