上線狀態:    住戶編號:2934636
 LilyofValley 的檔案 瀏覽說明
公寓造型 / 本人照片
交友編號: 2934636  
瀏覽次數: 4166
人氣指數: 13385
友好指數: 55
更新日期: 2011-12-25 09:22
上次上站: 2013-04-07 21:04
暱 稱: LilyofValley 性 別: 女生  
年 齡: 50 歲 星 座: 雙魚座
身 高: 159cm(5'3") 血 型: B型
體 重: 55kg(121lbs) 職 業: 教育研究
感 情: 單身
  現  居 住: 台灣> 新北市 > 淡水區
  家  鄉: 台灣> 新北市 > 淡水區
  收  入: 40000元-50000元
  抽  煙: 從來不抽
  飲  酒: 偶爾小酌
  個  性: 有活力的,粗心的,率直的
  信  仰: 基督教
  學  歷: 大學/學院
  學  校: 尚未填寫
  自我介紹 檢舉自介
Hi! You can call me Lily of the Valley because I literally live in a valley and people think I am as pure as a Lily...(J/K).

I was living in California for 20+ years and relocated back to Taipei in Dec 2009. After two winters and two summers, I finally am used to the weather here.....

Because I love to live right next to farm (though I don\\\ t really farm), I choose to live in the hillside of Danshuei in a traditional farming village. The view, overseeing the Danshuei River and Taipei Port, is gorgeous both during the daytime and at night. This place is hard to locate as Shangrila and yet only 10 minute drive from the MRT. Good water and air, plus the fabulous scenery, what else can I ask for?

I am a substitute teacher at TAS(Taipei American School) during the daytime and an English teacher in the after-school program in the evening. Though I possess a portfolio of skills(genetic engineering and actuarial certifications), I choose to be a teacher because of my natural gifting in speech. It\\\ s said that what you can do well naturally, you will love to do. That\\\ s been my experience with teaching so far.....

I am a Christian by faith but I can\\\ t participate in the church functions regularly due to family business on the weekends. My family runs a quite popular garden and restaurant, offering the organic dishes using the organic materials we grow, in the valley I live in. But however, I do attend the Living Lilies Ministry function every month when they have it in Taipei. www.livinglilies.org

Though not a super athlete, I do love to work out regularly. Because I am far from the gym, I do eliptical for about an hour a day....I would enjoy hiking and biking if there s company.

Considering myself still new to the island, I would love to build up my network of friends here. Hope to get to know you great people out there. Please drop me a note or two and I will try to respond promptly.

High School: Buena Park High School, Orange County, California
University: UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California

  年齡要求: 30~40歲
  身高要求: 172cm(5'8")~190cm(6'3")
  體重要求: 30kg(66lbs)~150kg(330lbs)
  學歷要求: 不拘
  信仰要求: 基督教
  個性要求: 不拘
  希望交往關係: 談心好友,單純筆友,同好搭檔